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Mrs.Cao (Guangdong)

紐約市 New York City


I am originally from Harbin and have been working and living in Guangzhou for over 20 years. I have nearly 20 years of professional experience as a postpartum caregiver. I have cared for twins, babies with jaundice, low birth weight infants, and premature babies. I am skilled at addressing common issues that babies face and ensuring their quick recovery. During the postpartum period, I am dedicated to providing wholehearted care for both the baby and the mother. I also assist mothers in establishing successful breastfeeding, ensuring that babies receive as much breast milk as possible during this time while allowing mothers to have quality sleep. Additionally, throughout the postpartum period, I educate parents on how to scientifically feed, care for, bathe, massage, and prevent diseases for their baby.

Mrs.Liu (Hunan)

紐約市 New York City


Everyone calls me Mrs.Liu. I'm from Hunan, and I have a high school education. I came to the United States in 2016. I am in good health, have a gentle personality, and a lot of compassion. In China, I worked as a nanny and a postpartum caregiver for many years. I received formal training in Quanzhou and Shenzhen, China, and hold a professional certificate in advanced maternal and infant care obtained before 2016. I specialize in lactation stimulation, assisting with milk production, and helping postpartum mothers with leg swelling, regaining their shape, and physical recovery.

Mrs.Liao (Hubei)

紐約市 New York City


I am Mrs.Liao, originally from Hubei Province, mainland China. I have been working as a nanny and postpartum caregiver for nearly 8 years and obtained an advanced postpartum caregiver certificate in 2016. Since 2018, I have been working as a live-in postpartum caregiver in the United States. During the postpartum period, I take care of all aspects of the baby's needs. I provide 24-hour care to ensure the baby's health and safety. This includes taking care of issues such as umbilical cord care, jaundice, post-circumcision care, head shape support, as well as daily feeding, bathing, infant massage, and burping exercises. I also focus on preventing common baby issues like diaper rash, infant eczema, and reflux.

Mrs.Liu (Dongbei)

紐約市 New York City


Hello to the parents! I'm Mrs.Liu, a professional postpartum caregiver, originally from Heilongjiang, currently living in New York, USA. I began my career as a postpartum caregiver in China in 2011 and obtained an advanced gold medal certificate in postpartum caregiving as well as a qualification certificate for infant care. I have been working as a postpartum caregiver in the United States for over 3 and a half years now and have cared for more than 30 newborn babies. I have received professional training in postpartum caregiving and completed internships at postpartum care centers. With many years of experience working as a postpartum caregiver, infant caregiver, and nanny, I have accumulated valuable expertise in this field.

Mrs.Ma (Shandong)

紐約市 New York City

我叫馬姐,來自中國山東。從事月嫂工作9年,受過專業的月嫂培訓,有高級月嫂證和育嬰師證。帶過剛出生的嬰兒有上百個,期間照顧過雙胞胎、早產兒、代孕寶寶,護理黃疸、濕疹、鵝口瘡等,寶寶常見疾病非常有經驗。 24小時護理寶寶的日常和保持寶寶環境衛生。能隨時觀察嬰兒臍帶脫落,每天給孩子洗澡和撫觸,觀察有沒有黃疸、濕珍、紅屁股、並且有包皮手術護理經驗。記錄每天寶寶的奶量、體溫、大小便等。擅於幫助解決產婦常見問題,做好產婦產後每週代謝排毒、子宮恢復、骨盆恢復、滋養進補、鞏固乳汁等工作。

My name is Mrs.Ma, and I come from Shandong, China. I have been working as a postpartum caregiver for 9 years and have received professional training in this field. I hold advanced certifications as a postpartum caregiver and infant caregiver. I have cared for hundreds of newborns, including twins, premature babies, and surrogate babies. I am experienced in caring for common infant issues such as jaundice, eczema, and thrush. I provide 24-hour care for babies, maintaining their daily routines and ensuring a clean and hygienic environment. I am attentive to details, regularly observing the baby's umbilical cord, bathing them, and performing infant massages. I monitor for jaundice, diaper rash, and have experience in caring for babies after circumcision. I keep detailed records of the baby's feeding, temperature, and bodily functions. Additionally, I am skilled at addressing common issues faced by mothers and helping with postpartum recovery, including metabolic detoxification, uterine recovery, pelvic recovery, nutrition supplementation, and breastfeeding support.

Mrs.Qiao (Shandong)

紐約市 New York City

我非常喜歡月嫂這份工作,帶過很多可愛的小寶貝,平時我會給寶寶做月子照護日記,並幫助教會寶媽、寶爸如何照顧新生兒寶寶。我可以烹製南北各式菜餚以及粵、台式月子煲湯。我做的月子餐會按照寶媽的口味調整,力求媽媽們在月子期能夠吃的開心,健康,又有營養。 ⼀直以來媽媽們對我的月子服務和月子餐點都非常喜歡,也給我比較高的評價。能夠為各位寶媽服務是我的榮幸,我會盡力做好我的月子服務工作。

I have a deep passion for my work as a postpartum caregiver, and I've had the privilege of caring for many adorable little babies over the years. I keep a postpartum care diary for the babies I care for and assist parents in learning how to take care of their newborns. I am skilled at preparing a variety of dishes from both northern and southern Chinese cuisines, as well as Cantonese and Taiwanese-style postpartum soups. I adjust the postpartum meals I prepare according to the mother's preferences, aiming to ensure that mothers can enjoy delicious, healthy, and nutritious meals during their postpartum period. I'm grateful for the positive feedback and high ratings that mothers have given me for my postpartum services and meals. It's an honor to serve all the mothers, and I will continue to do my best in providing excellent postpartum care.

Mrs.Sun (Anhui)

紐約市 New York City


I have been working in the postpartum caregiving industry for nearly 10 years and hold advanced certifications in postpartum caregiving and infant caregiving. I have cared for over a hundred babies, including 32 sets of twins and 3 sets of triplets. I also have experience with premature infants and assisting mothers with postpartum recovery. I am skilled in acupressure for lactation stimulation, reducing postpartum edema, and aiding in postpartum recovery. I have extensive experience in caring for both newborns and older infants, including feeding, bathing, infant massage, and preventing common baby illnesses. I maintain good communication with mothers to prevent postpartum depression. I am proficient in preparing excellent postpartum meals, including both northern and southern Chinese styles, as well as regular home-cooked dishes with a mild and delicious flavor.

Mrs.Wang (Henan)

紐約市 New York City

我是王姨,大專學歷,身體健康。本人心地善良,性格溫柔,乾淨清爽,做事認真負責,對孩⼦有愛心及耐心。我是2013年開始學習並從事月嫂工作,並取得中級月嫂資格證書。我有專業護理寶寶的日常和衛生經驗,隨時觀察嬰兒臍帶脫落 、黃疸 、 濕疹 、紅屁屁 、脹氣等情況。適時給孩子洗澡、擦澡並做按摩撫觸操 、排氣操。還要做好每天餵奶量、大小便記錄、身體變化和健康狀況。對於產婦,我會觀察惡露排出情況,做好開奶,催乳,保證乳腺疏通。

I am Mrs.Wang, with a college degree and good health. I have a kind heart, a gentle personality, and maintain a clean and tidy environment. I am diligent and responsible in my work and have a loving and patient attitude towards children. I started learning and working as a postpartum caregiver in 2013 and obtained an intermediate postpartum caregiver certificate. I have professional experience in daily baby care and hygiene. I constantly monitor the baby's condition, including observing the umbilical cord, jaundice, eczema, diaper rash, and gas discomfort. I give baths, provide massages, perform comforting exercises, and assist with burping as needed. Additionally, I keep records of daily feeding, bowel movements, physical changes, and overall health. For new mothers, I monitor lochia discharge, assist with lactation stimulation, and ensure proper milk flow and breast health.

Mrs.Tu (Shanghai)

紐約市 New York City


I am Mrs.Tu, and my English name is Jane. I have been in the United States for 8 years, and I have been working as both a nanny and a postpartum caregiver for nearly 10 years. My daily work primarily involves taking care of small babies and providing postpartum maternal and infant care. I have provided services throughout the United States, serving families on both the East and West coasts, including Chinese, Asian, and English-speaking households. Over the years, I have accumulated a wealth of childcare experience. I take care of babies from newborns to 3 years old, and I am experienced in caring for babies of all ages. I provide 24-hour care and feeding for newborns, establish daily routines, and engage in early childhood development and complementary feeding preparation for babies.

Mrs.Chen (Fujian)

紐約市 New York City


I have over 12 years of experience in providing postpartum care services. I have extensive experience in both in-home postpartum care and caring for newborn babies. I am familiar with both traditional Chinese postpartum concepts and the principles of modern American scientific childcare. My postpartum care services encompass maternal and infant care as well as preparing postpartum meals. I take responsibility for all aspects of baby care, from feeding to organizing baby-related materials. I am experienced in handling various baby-related issues such as eczema, diaper rash, spitting up, colic, and preventing common baby illnesses. I also have experience in caring for babies after circumcision. I assist mothers in postpartum recovery, ensuring a smooth transition to breastfeeding and the overall well-being of both mother and baby.

Mrs.Wang (Shanghai)

紐約市 New York City


I have been in the United States for 10 years and have served over 60 newborns, including 6 sets of twins. I have significant experience in caring for babies after circumcision and in observing and distinguishing jaundice in newborns. I am skilled in preventing and caring for diaper rash and various types of eczema. I conduct infant massage, passive exercises, burping exercises, and utilize proper carrying techniques like the "airplane hold" to prevent colic. I have a strong understanding of lactation techniques, including milk production, milk flow, and lactation stimulation, to prevent engorgement and mastitis in mothers. I am experienced in providing postpartum care and preparing postpartum meals. My personality is gentle, cheerful, positive, responsible, easygoing, and I approach tasks with diligence, efficiency, and patience.

Mrs.Wu (Sichuan)

紐約市 New York City

我是伍阿姨,來自中國四川,本人從2011年開始做母嬰護理工作,持有育嬰師專業三級證書,是一名職業月嫂。2016年來美國,5年多當中 ,每年照顧8個以上產婦和新生兒,之前在中國照顧過五十幾個新生兒和產婦,經驗豐富,其中也包括早產兒和雙胞胎。本人對寶寶黃疸觀察,臍帶護理,濕疹護理,紅屁股預防, 撫觸按摩,對新生兒早期全腦發育啟蒙,觀察新生兒大小便,產婦生活護理,乳房護理保健,母乳喂養指導都有著豐富的經驗。

I am Mrs.Wu from Sichuan, China. I have been working in maternal and infant care since 2011 and hold a professional Level 3 certificate in infant caregiving. I am also a certified professional postpartum caregiver. I came to the United States in 2016, and in the past 5 years, I have cared for over 8 expectant mothers and newborns each year. Prior to coming to the United States, I cared for more than fifty newborns and mothers in China, including premature babies and twins. I have extensive experience in observing jaundice in babies, caring for the umbilical cord, managing eczema, preventing diaper rash, and providing infant massage. I am well-versed in early brain development stimulation for newborns, monitoring their bowel movements, maternal lifestyle care, breast care, and offering guidance on breastfeeding.

Mrs.Yang (Henan)

紐約市 New York City


I am Mrs.Yang, originally from Henan, China. I have received professional training in postpartum care and have over 10 years of experience in caring for newborns. I have a gentle and patient nature and am known for my loving care. I worked as a postpartum caregiver in China and have been providing postpartum and infant care services in the United States since 2017. I have experience in caring for and educating children of various age groups. I can assist mothers in clearing lactation ducts and breast care, and I am skilled in providing lactation and weight loss packages to help mothers recover their figures. I excel in preparing postpartum meals that focus on scientific nutrition, helping mothers recover their strength and energy. I am knowledgeable about common infant and toddler illnesses and preventive measures. I have experience in caring for jaundice, umbilical cord care, diaper rash, eczema, thrush, and more.

Mrs.Xing (Tianjin)

紐約市 New York City


I am a native of Tianjin, China, and I have been working in domestic caregiving and housekeeping services since 2006. My responsibilities have included taking care of children and cooking. Since 2010, I have been specializing in maternal and infant care. My love for children led me to attend a postpartum caregiver training program in Tianjin in 2011, where I received a professional postpartum caregiver certificate from the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Having previously cared for babies, I was already familiar with the duties of a postpartum caregiver. However, I continually strive to learn and improve my professional knowledge. I have extensive experience in maternal and infant care, lactation stimulation, and preparing postpartum meals. My theoretical knowledge is solid, and I am known for my amiable personality, diligence, and a strong work ethic. I do not dwell on personal gains and losses, which makes me get along exceptionally well with clients.

Mrs.Su (Tianjin)

紐約市 New York City

蘇蘇阿姨,專業從事月嫂行業十餘年,為人隨和開朗,真心喜歡寶寶,和寶媽及雇主家庭相處開心融洽。 2012年正式拿到月嫂職業技能培訓證書。 2018年獲得國家科技人財委員會的“金牌月嫂”證書。2017年移民美國。移民前考取了高級育嬰師資格、通乳師資格、小兒推拿師資格。我從事月嫂工作這些年護理過上百個寶寶,積累了豐富實踐經驗和科學的育兒觀念。我的工作是給寶寶全天候、全方面的照顧,讓產婦安心坐月子。

I am Mrs.Su and I have been a professional postpartum caregiver for over ten years. I am known for my easygoing and cheerful personality and have a genuine love for babies. I get along happily and harmoniously with both new mothers and employer families. In 2012, I obtained my official postpartum caregiver professional skills training certificate. In 2018, I received the "Gold Medal Postpartum Caregiver" certificate from the National Committee of Science and Technology Personnel. I immigrated to the United States in 2017, and prior to my immigration, I obtained certifications as an advanced infant caregiver, lactation consultant, and pediatric massage therapist. Over the years, I have cared for hundreds of babies, accumulating practical experience and a scientific approach to childcare. My job is to provide round-the-clock, comprehensive care to babies, ensuring that new mothers can have peace of mind during their postpartum period.



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